Sherub (Specialist III)

I studied B.Sc. (General) at the Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan (1994-1997). I have M.Sc. (Wildlife Ecology) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the United States of America (2004). In my graduate studies, I worked on habitat modeling and developed ecosystem classification for Bhutan. Using the modeled ecosystem classification as one of the important habitat templates, I produced probable distribution maps for birdlife found in Bhutan, as of 2003.

I have a passion for birds, natural  history and natural sounds. I am currently working on the "transboundary migraation of Grus nigricollis - Black-necked Crane" with Mr. Nawang Norbu (Director, UWICE) and Dr. Martin Wikelski, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. I look forward to work on big raptors to understand movement mechanisms, and faunal seed dispersal. I aspire to document biodiversity in the Bhutan Himalaya.

  1. Behavioural adaptations to flight into thin air
  2. Butterflies of Trashiyangtse Valley, eastern Bhutan (Part 1)
  3. Partial Altitudinal Migration of a Himalayan Forest Pheasant
  4. Bhutanese snails, the smallest one: Truncatellina bhutanensis spec. nov. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vertiginidae)
  5. Bio-logging, new technologies to study conservation physiology on the move: a case study on annual survival of Himalayan vultures
  6. Conspicuously sculptured small shells from Bhutan: Philalanka bhutana sp. nov. and Sculpteuconulus obliquistriatus gen. et sp. nov.
  7. Inventory of High Altitude Wetlands in Bhutan
  8. Impacts of Cordyceps Collection on Livelihoods and Alpine Ecosystems in Bhutan as Ascertained from Questionnaire Survey of Cordyceps Collectors
  9. Expedition Tsheling Gor 2013 - A Preliminary Survey Report on the Biodiversity of Northern Pemagatshel, Bhutan
  10. Ecological and Socio-Cultural Significance of High Altitude Wetlands - A Case Study of Nub Tshonapatra, Tshokar-Tshona, Tampe Tsho and Jigme Langtsho in Bhutan
  11. Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus in Bhutan: A first record for the Indian Subcontinent
  12. Brushfooted Butterfiles of Bhutan (Nymphalids)
  13. Field Guide for Swallowtail of Bhutan
  14. Butterflies of Bhutan - A Field Guide.
  15.  Field Guide to Hesperiidae (Skippers) of Bhutan.
  16. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. (Convolvulaceae) – a new plant record for Bhutan Flora
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