Two New Scientific Papers Published
A scientific report on Analysis of Forestry Policy, Acts and Rules of Bhutan to Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation by Thinley Wangdi and colleagues was published in the Partner Report Series No. 13 under the Regional Climate Change Adaptation knowledge Platform for Asia. The Report highlights the insights and outcomes of studies, assessments and other field activities that our national implementing partners have undertaken in their countries to mainstream adaptation into plans, policies and programs.
Full Report: An Analysis of Forestry Policy, Acts and Rules of Bhutan to Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation
Also, a paper assessing the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Bumtang by Sangay Wangchuk and colleagues from the Sustainable Forestry Department of the Institute has been published in the Journal of Agronomy.
Full Journal: Agricultural Change in Bumthang, Bhutan: Market Opportunities, Government Policies, and Climate Change