Call for Nominations
The Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award (JSW-OESA) is conferred as homage to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo's selfless service and farsighted leadership.
The Award recognizes and honours individuals, groups and institutions from all backgrounds for a lifetime of contribution towards ensuring the security and sustainability of Bhutan's pristine environment. It particularly merits those who have gone beyond the normal call-of-duty in their service towards environmental protection.
This year, in Commemoration of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo Pal Jigme Singye Wangchuck’s 60th Birth Anniversary, a special edition of the award will be conferred. The award will be conferred during the opening ceremony of the first Bhutan Bird Festival.
The Award comprises of a citation signed by Her Royal Highness Ashi Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck, patron of the Bhutan Ecological Society and His Excellency, the Honourable Prime Minister of Bhutan along with a sum of Nu. 350,000.
A committee comprising of Government officials and representatives from civil society will declare the winner.
The conferment of the award was approved by the Royal Government vide order C-3/1090 dated 10th March 2010.
The Award is jointly hosted and conferred by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (on behalf of the Royal Government) and the Bhutan Ecological Society (Her Royal Highness Ashi Chimmi Yangzom Wangchuck is the patron of the Society).
Nominations should be submitted before 12:00 noon on Sunday, the 27th of September, 2015.