Training on Forest Silviculture and Management

News | Posted on 2015-11-24

Two weeks training on Forest Silviculture and Management is underway at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE). Twenty two participants from different territorial divisions under the Department of Forests and Park Services are attending the training.

In this two weeks training, participants will be taught on various topics including Silviculture, operation and plans of Forest Management Unit, Forest mensuration, Forest pathology and dendrochronology.

With this training the participants are expected to learn various tree measurement techniques, volume calculation, importance of forest management, how to read volume table, basic sampling techniques and wood technology.

The main objective of the training is to establish the art and science of developing the healthy and quality forests and its management in Bhutan.

It's the fourth training funded by REDD+ Readiness Programme of Bhutan supported by Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, World Bank through Watershed Management Division, Department of Forests and Park Services.
