Third Nationwide Waterbird Census 2016
The 3rd round of nationwide Water-Bird census was conducted on 22nd January 2016. It was carried out by numerous volunteers, amateurs and interested birders across the country. The census was conducted in the major water bodies and wetlands including Punatsangchhu, Pa Chhu, Ha Chhu, Thim Chhu, Mangde Chhu, Chamkhar Chhu, Manas, Drangme Chhu, Kholong Chhu, Phobjikha, etc.
The first ever census was initiated in 2014 by the UWICE. The annual census is basically aimed to generate data in all the wetlands and rivers for long term monitoring of habitat change and species response to the climate change. Also to contribute and represent ourselves in understanding and sharing data with international wetlands as Bhutan being one of the flyway corridors for the migratory birds in the Himalayan region.
According to the second round census (January 2015) we have recorded 62 different species including globally threatened like White -bellied Heron, Black-necked Crane, Palla's Fish Eagle and other riverine birds. The number of water birds species and other information for the year 2016 will be analyzed and shared after receiving the data from the field.