Bayesian analysis with JAGS and R Training
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research(UWICER) with technical support from Biodiversity Conservation Society Sarawak(BCSS), Malaysia is organizing a specialized training on "Bayesian Analysis with JAGS and R" from 12-23 September 2018 at the UWICER campus, Bumthang. The training is targeted to regional conservationist and wildlife researchers to enhance research and analytical capacity and to promote institutional collaboration.
The training participants are selected through a competitive skills review test to ensure better training environment and outcome. Total of 16 researchers from Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, and Nepal are taking part in the training.
This is the third series of such training conducted by the Institute in collaboration with BCSS, Malaysia. We conducted a "Boot Camp" in wildlife study design and data analysis each in 2017 and 2016. This advanced training is funded by the UNESCO Madanjeet Centre for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) program with the Institute.