UWICER conducts Workshop on "How possible is the global transition to carbon neutrality – Contributions from natural resource-dependent developing countries to the world"
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research(UWICER), Department of Forests and Park Services and the National Environment Commission Secretariat( NECS) in collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan is organizing a two day workshop on "How possible is the global transition to carbon neutrality – Contributions from natural resource-dependent developing countries to the world" on 13th and 14th March 2019. The forum is intended deliberate on issues related to global transition to carbon neutrality and share the results of collaborative research on the extent of climate change impacts on natural resources and its adaptability in Bhutan.
The collaborative research focused on generating knowledge on climate change and its impacts in Bhutan through strengthening research capacity and establishing institutional linkages between Japan: IGES, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech.) and the Bhutanese counterparts: UWICER and College of Natural Resources(CNR) led by NECS.
Mrs. Tenzin Wangmo, head of Climate Change Coordination Division of NECS opened the session highlighting Bhutan's pledge to remain carbon neutral and the need of enhancing multi-sectoral participation and human resources development to realize such goals. The team leader of Japanese delegates, Dr. Shuzo Nishioka reiterated the importance of global climate commitments and presented a scenario of future carbon neutral energy system. The first day sessions concluded with deliberations on Bhutan-Japan climate research partnership, research findings on Bhutan's carbon emission and absorption scenario and Bhutan's long-term strategy and international cooperation on climate change.
Second day of the workshop will further discuss on extent of climate change impacts on natural resources and way forward.
About 35 subjects experts, policy makers, researchers, engineers and managers from various government organizations, research institutes and NGOs are attending the workshop.