Basic GIS and GPS training applicants' result ( 2nd batch)

Announcements | Posted on 2019-06-03

UWICER is pleased to announce the selection result for the 2nd round of basic GPS and GIS training announced on 5th March 2019. The training will be conducted from June 10-15, 2019 at UWICER, Lamaigoempa, Bumthang.

All the selected applicants are required to bring android mobile device and laptop (if available) for the training. Also, for the field exercise, applicants are required to bring field uniform or field dress, whichever is available. The selected applicants who are working under the Government and Cooperative offices are required to submit their relieving order from their respective working agencies during the training registration sessions (morning of 10 June, 2019).

If any of the applicants feel that you can’t attend the training, do let us know at the earliest to enable us to allocate the slot to the standby applicants. The agenda for the training and other requirements, if any, will be mailed to your personal gmail address provided to us.

UWICER management would like to thank all the applicants for showing your interest for the training!

Please confirm your participation for the training at (17944935) . For logistic (food and lodging), please contact (17503079).

List of selected and standby applicants can be downloaded HERE.

