Advanced Bird Watching Expedition for Tour Guide upskilling training
A total of 19 tour guides are taking part in a 35 day upskilling training in Advanced Bird Watching Expedition. The training is conducted by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute of Conservation and Environment Research under the Department of Forests and Park Services which is funded through the Skills Development Program (SDP) of the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. The training course is organized in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, MoEA.
The course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual to become a competent Bird Guide in accordance with tourism and forestry standards. Upon successful completion of this course, the graduates will be able to work in government, corporate and private organizations where they can provide services like carrying out;>
- Advanced bird watching expedition planning
- Advanced bird watching expedition
- Post advanced bird watching expedition activities
>The course will be organized over 8 days of theory class and final assessment followed with about 27 days of the field practical training browsing for birds within the strategic bird hotspots in and around Bumthang, Tsirang, Sarpang, Zhemgang, Panbang, Nanglam, and Mongar areas. The participants will learn more about bird identification through sightings and calls, how to record bird songs, knowing the strategic bird hotspots, understanding socio-ecological significance of bird species, threatened status of birds in Bhutan, and historical exploration of birds in Bhutan through the tutorship of our Bird Guru Dr. Sherub and his team. The aspiring team of learners are believed to become one of the best Birding tour guides for Bhutan and the region besides producing robust nature citizen scientists in contribution towards the Biodiversity Monitoring System in the country.
The opening ceremony for the first ever Tour Guide upskilling at NC 3 program was graced by Mr. Shacha Dorji, Specialist, Center Heads, faculty members, and management staffs of UWICER, focal Program Officer from SDP, DWPSD, MoLHR, and trainee participants.