Business Plan document of Mangling and Broksar NWFPMGs developed

News | Posted on 2024-05-30

With financial support from the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO), Mongar Forest Division and Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forestry Research and Training in consultation with the NWFPMG members developed Business Plan document for Mangling and Broksar communities under Saleng gewog of Mongar from 20-25th of May, 2024. The project which aims to improve local community livelihoods by increasing revenue from non-wood forest products spans from January, 2023 to December, 2026.

Since these communities have an abundance of bamboo and cane products, business plan was made taking into account information and knowledge made available to the team. Various topics like resource availability,  harvesting and processing techniques, demand-supply analysis of bamboo and cane products, and financial analysis of the business plan were dealt with in the workshop and features in the business plan document.
