Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) data and data sharing Workshop conducted
Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) data and data sharing exercise was carried out as a part of the current NCA work done by Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forestry Research and Training (UWIFoRT) in collaboration with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). The exercise was held with the objective of looking at the various data that are available at different agencies and filtering the ones that can be used for NCA. The meeting was attended by the representative of following agencies:
All the officials representing their agencies made a presentation on the data that are available and the methodology that they used for collecting and analyzing it. All the representatives have committed their support to share the available data to help with the progress of NCA.
The meeting was held on December 6, 2024 at Paro Grand, Paro. Total of 18 (Male:13 and Female: 5) officials participated. The meeting was organized by UWIFoRT with support from ICIMOD.