A Team of Young Ambassadors of Change (YAC) at UWICE
A team of Young Ambassadors of Change (YAC) from the School of Early Learning Centre, Thimphu, visited the Institute on the evening of 19th September 2013 led by their Principal Deki Choden. The Team was on their way back after visiting their partner Schools in eastern parts of Bhutan.
The main objective of the team is to empower the young children to express and collaboratively implement their own ideas for a better world.
Director and faculty members of the Institute welcomed the team in the Institute cafeteria. Principal said that the main reason for visiting the Institute is to learn about our Natural Environment and to collaborate with the Children Program at UWICE.
Some faculty members through the pictorial presentation highlighted some of the research activities of the Institute such as the importance of tigers and basic ways of identifying the birds and most importantly the reasons to preserve our natural environment. Each presentation was followed by question answer session.