The 3rd Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award Conferred

News | Posted on 2014-06-02

The 3rd Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award (JSW-OESA) was conferred by HRH Ashi Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck, coinciding with the opening ceremony of the 14th International Society of Ethnobiology Congress.

The Forest Protection and Surveillance Team, Department of Forests and Park Services (Ministry of Agriculture and Forests) won the award of Nu. 350,000 (Ngultrum three lakhs fifty thousand) for their dedicated and sincere service to protection of the environment and curbing the illegal wildlife trade in Bhutan. In the past two years―at great risk to their own lives―the team has made six seizures of tiger skin and bones, and a great many seizures of musk pods, bear biles, leopard skins and bones, elephant tusks, live Tokay gecko lizards and other contraband.

The Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award is conferred once every two years. It honours individuals, groups and institutions from all backgrounds for a lifetime of contribution towards ensuring the security and sustainability of Bhutan's pristine environment. It particularly merits those who have gone beyond the normal call-of-duty in their service towards environmental protection. The Award is a homage to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo's selfless service and farsighted leadership. The prize money for this year's award was granted by the Bhutan Foundation.
