Selected Candidates for One Year Certificates Course (2014-2015)
Announcements | Posted on 2014-07-28
UWICE is pleased to announce selected candidates for the Certificate Course in Conservation, Environment and Forestry Studies.
Selected candidates are requested to report to the Institute on 29th July 2014. Orientation program for all the trainees is scheduled on 30th July 2014 and the classes will start from 1st August 2014.
All the Trainees should bring the following items:
- Nu. 1500/- (Mess for August month)
- Blanket
- Bed sheet (2 nos)
- Pillow case (2 nos)
- Bucket
- Jug
- Plate and Mug
- Umbrella/ Rain coat
- Sickle/Knife
- Gumboot
Candidates who fail to report on time will not be accepted for the course and the preference will be given to others.
Upon arrival candidates can contact Dean of Academic and Training Affairs (Mr. Wangchuk Dorji) at 17583951.
For further information please contact Ms. Namgay Dema, Training Coordinator at 17253783.