R-stats training at Sherubtse College

News | Posted on 2014-09-18

A 5-day training on 'R-Statistics' is being provided by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment for faculty at Sherubtse College. The training was requested for and is being organized by Sangay Thinley, Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages, to enhance faculty capacity in research and data analysis. Almost thirty participants from eight departments within Sherubtse are attending the training.

'R' is a free open source programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Many universities worldwide have adopted 'R' as their program of choice for analyzing research data and for classroom instruction in statistics. The main purpose of the training is to introduce participants to basic coding, data analysis and graphing in R.

Dr. Ellen Cheng, research scientist from the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (Bumthang) is the resource person for the training.
