2015 YES Interns Joins UWICE
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment hired two interns for the Young Environmental Scholars Internship Program for six months. They have joined Institute on 8th June, they will be engaged with the researcher and assist the Institute to organize conference, symposium and trainings.
Mr. Indra Acharja, has a Master degree in Forestry (Wildlife management and Eco-development) from Forest Research Institute, Dehradun India and bachelor’s degree in Life sciences from Sherubtse College, Kanglung. He also worked on “Ungulate distribution, abundance and habitat use in Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary” for his master’s degree. His research interest includes study of mountain habitat ecology, high altitude ungulates and conservation of endangered species. “I am looking forward to enhance my knowledge and research skills in the field of environment and wildlife conservation through this internship program” said Archarja.
Mr. Krishna Prasad Bastola, graduated with B.Sc. Life Sciences from Sherubtse College. “I have opted to work as an intern in UWICE as I am interested in advancement of my researching knowledge about environment and get skilled to ameliorate environmental issues. After completing the internship I aspire to upgrade my qualification and be an environment conserving citizen” said Bastola.
About 8 undergraduates have participated for the program over the past 4 years.