UWICER re-operationalizes Nature Study Sub- Center

News | Posted on 2018-07-28

The Nature Study Center which remained largely unused for the last twenty-two years was formally re-operationalized on July 26, 2018. The re-operationalization ceremony was graced by the Executive Director, Bhutan Foundation, and the Director, Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research.

Hereafter, the Nature Study Sub-Center will conduct long-term monitoring of important high-altitude flora and fauna besides using the facilities for education. The Nature Study Sub-Center shall be used to teach forest and wildlife management courses to National Certificate II and III students of the institute. The facilities shall also cater to the need of the Royal University of Bhutan to bring their students to pursue nature study and to provide a hands-on class on aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity survey. The Sub-Center will also house high school students during their vacations for various environmental programs.

The center was constructed in the early nineties with the financial support from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Bhutan Program and refurnished the center with the financial support from Bhutan Foundation after amalgamating its management with the UWICER.
