A week-long course on Basic GPS and GIS begins
The UWICER is organizing a week-long course on ‘Basic of GPS and GIS’ at the campus which is attended by 30 officials from the Department of Forests and Park Services and other organizations. The training module will cover basic hands-on skills in using GPS (Global Positioning System) and orient participants to mapping software such as QGIS. The training aims to achieve the following objectives:
1) Provide necessary skills to collect field data using GPS and mobile phone,
2) Manage field data, including data downloading, storing, formatting and deletion,
3) Enhance participants understanding on GIS, its importance and application,
4) Introduce GIS as tool for planning and management for natural resources,
5) Produce basic maps using field data and base maps that are cartographically acceptable.
The course is funded by the REDD+ project, implemented by the Watershed Management Division of the Department of Forests and Park Services.