School Teachers Attend Geospatial Technology Training.
News | Posted on 2023-06-06

20 teachers (8 females and 12 males) from Trongsa, Zhemgang, Sarpang, Dagana, Tsirang, and
Wangduephrodrang are attending 5-day training on geospatial technology as a tool to deliver geography and
environmental science subject in the schools that started from the 5th of June. As teachers uphold the connection between education and
daily life, educating a teacher is tantamount to training hundreds from the perspective
of knowledge dissemination. Therefore, this week-long training is tailored to:
- Promote geographical intelligence among teachers and students in rural areas.
- Develop the capacity of citizen scientists and ensure life-long learning opportunities for young minds in rural areas
- Instill cartography and data and image visualization skills to facilitate an easy understanding of lessons related to geography, environment, and biodiversity.
The training is supported by USAIDS through PEERS Project