Value Chain and Market Analysis Training imparted in Mongar

News | Posted on 2023-11-17

A 5 day training on " Value Chain and Market Analysis" was held in Mongar for the Divisional Forestry staff from the 13th of November till the 17th.

The program is instrumental in strengthening the capacity of forestry staff, enabling them to contribute to the sustainable management and utilization of non-wood forest products, with a particular focus on Bamboo and Cane.

Through this training, 12 training attendees (9 male and 3 female) will facilitate and conduct the Value chain and Market analysis for Mangling and Broksar, Saling Gewog, Mongar Dzongkhag in collaboration with UWIFoRT. This training will form the baseline for the two sites' well-developed and consulted business plans in bamboo and Canes products. 

The training was funded by AFoCO under the Project: “Improved local community livelihoods through increased income from non-timber forests products (NTFP): Modeling scalable community-based enterprises in Asia” under the activity Value Chain and Market Analysis Professional Development.
