Skilling course for the Nature Tour Guide Aspirants of Bhutan

News | Posted on 2024-04-30

A total of 40 tour guides are taking part in a 45-day skilling training in the Fundamentals of Nature Tour Guiding Services (FNTGS) and Basic identification of birds, plants, mammals, and butterflies & moths. The training is being conducted by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forestry Research and Training, a Research Institute under the Department of Forests and Park Services. The training is being conducted with the financial support from the Skills Development Program (SDP) of the Department of Workforce Planning and Skill Development under the Ministry of Education and Skill Development.

The course is designed to provide diverse knowledge and skills targeted towards enhancing ability of the youth to become a competent Nature Tour Guide in accordance with TVET, tourism, and forestry standards. Upon successful completion of this course, the graduates will be able to work in corporate, private, and local ecotourism cooperatives where they can provide services like carrying out; 

      Nature tour planning services.

      Provide nature tour guiding and biodiversity species identification services.

      Perform post nature tour activities.

The course entails 15 days of theory class including the final assessment and 30 days of field practical training and site visitation including biodiversity hotspot sites in Bumthang, Mongar, Pemagatsel, Zhemgang, Dagana, Tsirang, and Sarpang Dzongkhags. The participants will be introduced to the principal skills of FNTGS module and local biodiversity species identification tools. The training program will be facilitated and taught by the species expert tutors led by Dr. Sherub and coordinated by Mr. Rinchen Wangchuk with 3 other subject expert tutors. The aspiring team of learners are believed to become one of the nature tour guides in Bhutan and the region who will also serve as citizen science reporters.

The training opening was graced by Mr. Shacha Dorji, Executive Specialist, tutors, and the training participants. 
