Research and Survey Methodology, Analysis and Scientific Paper Writing
The Department of Forests and Park Services has been researching various scientific topics. To maintain the quality of the data and the results, we must have a sound methodology and analysis in place. In order for the findings to have an impact, the results should be published in a scientific journal . Keeping these objectives in mind, the current training was organized from August 05, 2024 to August 09, 2024.
The training covered aspects of research process, design and the ethics while carrying out the research. The research and survey methods for different types of research were covered. The participants were introduced to packages and functions in R that could be used to clean, sort, analyze and visualize data collected from the field. The training then focused on publishing the findings. The participants were taught on how to write a scientific paper, that will have the highest probability of getting published in a reputed journal. The processes involved in paper publication were taught in detail. The training ended with a group work and presentation, where each group used their own data to come up with a scientific paper employing all the techniques learned during the training.
A total of 29 forestry officials (27 males and 2 females) attended the training provided by UWIFoRT with funding support from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and WWF Bhutan.