Be a part of Annual Waterbird Count Team with Us! (18-23 January, 2025)

Announcements | Posted on 2025-01-17

The Annual Waterbird Count is a citizen-science initiative under the purview of the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) forming a bigger part of the global International Waterbird Census (IWC). This citizen-science program supports the conservation and management of wetlands and waterbirds worldwide.

As usual, the Annual Waterbird Count event in Bhutan will be held from 18th to 23rd January 2025 covering wetlands (rivers, streams, sewage ponds, marshes, lakes) wherever possible by all bird enthusiasts including pro-birders, nature tour guides,  foresters, and interested youths and citizens across the country.

To observe the event, we will use the online form named Bhutan Annual Waterbird Count (Figure 1) using the Epicollect5 project that our Institute developed.

To partner with us and participate in the annual waterbird census, please follow the following steps:

1. Download Epicollect5 application on your mobile phone.

2. Add the Bhutan Annual Waterbird Count project (the one with the image of the Ibisbill)

3. Start filling out the form

(Note: Do not forget to save your data at the end of each entry and upload at the end of the day or count session).

The data collected from Bhutan will be compiled and submitted to the office of the Asian Waterbird Census based in New Delhi, India.


Figure 1. Bhutan Annual Waterbird Count page on Epicollect5 App


For your kind reference about the identification of waterbirds in Bhutan (Click here)
