The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment is pleased to host a two-day Library Symposium on 24th- 25th, December, 2015, at Lamai Geompa, Bumthang.
Posted on 09/12/2015
The resolutions of 3rd National Park Conference held on 1st-3rd, October 2015 at Lamperi is available online. Click here to view the resolutions.
Posted on 26/10/2015
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) has set aside a sum of Nu. 150,000.00 (One hundred fifty thousand) to support the short-term student research thesis to facilitate to partially fulfil their academic requirements. This support is available through the Jigme Singye Wangchuck Endowment Fund. The UWICE management will be able to support three best proposals of the students, each worth a grant of Nu. 50,000.00 (fifty thousand only).
Posted on 20/10/2015
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment in partnership with other relevant agencies are organizing the first ever Bird Festival (8-10 October 2015) in Tingtibe, Zhemgang Bhutan. During the festival, there will be bird-a-thon competition, photographic race and other interested events like mist netting, river rafting etc for the participants. Therefore, the organizer would like to invite interested participants to register youself for the events.
Posted on 18/09/2015
The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, Department of Forests and Parks Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bumthang is pleased to invite sealed bids from eligible Bhutanese Travel agents to kindly submit a quotation for air tickets as per the details specified below:
Posted on 07/09/2015