Nature Tour Guide Training Announcement

Announcements | Posted on 2023-08-21

Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forest Research and Training (UWIFoRT) under the Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in Bumthang and the Project Management Unit of the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Employment based in Thimphu would like to announce the availability of the Nature Tour Guide Training in any of the following elective subjects to be conducted by UWIFoRT.

Sl. No.

Elective Subject

Tick the interested subjects ()


Birding expedition



Nature Photography services



Butterfly Identification



Botanization Expedition including Ethnobotany



Mammal Expedition



Fishing Guiding services


Any applicant can choose any of the above six thematic areas based on your interest and need. The training will be conducted based on the highest number of applicants who have chosen any of the six elective subjects. Any Tour Guide being able to complete all the 6 elective subjects in addition to the mandatory course of 15 days Fundamentals of Nature Tour Guiding (FNTG) will be provided NC 3 certificate otherwise only course completion certificate in each subject will be issued. 



Course Duration

Last date of application


Nature Tour Guide


15 days FNTG + 30 days Elective subject

1st September 2023, 3:00 PM

Class XII pass

Interested youth and cultural tour guides with valid guide license please Click here and Apply

The training program will be a short course that will start from 12th September 2023 for 45 days that will include 15 days FNTG in the beginning. The training program is funded by the Department of Tourism, MoICE through its UNDP/GEF project.

The program is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and ability of an individual to become a competent tour guide in accordance with tourism and forestry standards. Upon successful completion of this course, the graduates will be able to work in government, corporate and private organizations where they can perform services like carrying out nature expedition planning, nature guiding, and post nature expedition activities.

The applicants shall be notified within 2 working days from the last date of application via phone/email. The selection shall be based on FIRST-COME-FIRST serve basis and upon fulfilling the criteria specified above.

Accommodation, stipend of Nu. 3500 per month, and learning materials will be provided for the entire duration of the course.

For further details please contact Mr. Rinchen Wangchuk at or Mr. Tashi Tenzin at during office hours.

