Workshop on Business Plan Development ongoing at ARDC, Wengkhar in Mongar

News | Posted on 2024-01-20

The business plan development workshop for Mongar Division Forest officials is being conducted at Wengkhar ARDC, Mongar. The training will span for 6 days from 20th to 25th January 2024.  The objectives of the workshop is to facilitate the capacity development of forestry officials and formulate business plans for AFoCO project sites in Mongar Forest Division. The training is being attended by 16 forestry range officers (14 male and 2 female) from various field offices under the Mongar Forest Division.

The assorted topics will be covered during the workshop as follows:

20th January: Business Planning and Development

21st January: Marketing Planning

22nd January: Production and Technical Planning

23rd January: Organization and Management Plan

24th January: Financial Planning

25th January: Business Plan Development and Compilation

The Business Plan Development workshop is one of the AFoCO funded activities.
