Bhutan Tiger Center Supports Local Nature Tour Guide Training at UWIFoRT
News | Posted on 2024-03-12

A 15-day training on the local nature tour guiding services is being conducted at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forestry Research and Training (UWIFoRT), Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS), Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. A total of 19 participants (15 male and 4 female) comprise of two culture tour guides, seven Desuups and eight literate youths (Class XII passed) from within the tiger habitat ranges in Bhutan. The training encompasses five modular theoretical and practical courses (Fundamentals of Nature Tour Guiding Services and basic species identification [birds, plants, mammals, and butterflies & moths]). The training is funded through the IUCN Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme of the German KfW Development Bank managed by the Bhutan Tiger Centre under the Nature Conservation Division, DoFPS.
Two additional trainings will be organized during the 2024-25 fiscal plan to train 100 youth individuals to empower with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become competent local Nature Tour Guides. Upon successful completion of this course, the participants will be able to work in private organizations and local ecotourism ventures in promoting and supporting the local tourism development programs. The participants will be able to organize and carry out;
- Nature tour planning
- Provide nature tour guiding services and basic identification of the local biodiversity species such as birds, plants and uses, mammals, and butterflies & moths
- Perform post tour activities
- The course is organized over 4 days entailing theory class including final assessment followed by 11 days of the field practical training studying local biodiversity species of birds, plants, mammals, and butterflies within the strategic species hotspots in and around Dagana, Zhemgang, and Pema Gatsel areas.The opening ceremony for the training program was graced by the Head Specialist, Specialists, officials from the Education and Capacity Building Services of UWIFoRT in Lamai Goenpa, and NTGT tutors.