Nature Tour Guide Training Announcement

Announcements | Posted on 2024-04-04

The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forest Research and Training (UWIFoRT), Department of Forests and Park Services, MoENR in collaboration with Department of Workforce Planning and Skills Development,MoESD would like to announce the Nature Tour Guide Training under the Skill Development Program as detailed below;

Course Slot Course Duration Last date of application Qualification
Nature Tour Guide Training 40 45 days including 30 days field practical tour visits April 2024 Youth with Job Seeker ID and Trained Culture Tour Guides with Job seeker ID & guiding license issued by DoT

Any interested Bhutanese citizens may apply, please  Click here to apply

The program will be organized at the head office of UWIFoRT at Lamai Goenpa in Bumthang with field practical tour visit programs within the biodiversity hotspots in Bhutan.
The program is designed to provide the basic knowledge and develop skills and ability of an individual to become a competent nature tour guide in accordance with tourism and Bhutan Qualification and Professional Certification Authority (BQPCA). Upon successful completion of this course, the graduates will be able to work in private tour companies and ecotourism associations where they can plan nature expeditions, provide nature expedition guiding services, and perform post nature expedition activities while completing an entire nature expedition program.
The applicants shall be notified for the final selection result to the training program on the last date of application via email and later through phone. The selection shall be based on FIRST-COME-FIRST served basis and upon fulfilling the criteria specified above.
Accommodation and stipend of Nu. 3500 per month will be provided for the entire duration of the course.
For further details please contact Mr. Rinchen Wangchuk, UWIFoRT at
