Rescheduled Basic R-Statistics Training, UWICE

The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) would like to announce that the training on Basic R- Statistics, which was previously scheduled on 9-23rd February, 2014 has been postponed to March, 2014 due to some unavoidable circumstances. The training date will be announced later.

Posted on 27/01/2014

Training of Trainer on Program 'ReNamer'

The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment will be organizing Training of Trainer on program ‘ReNamer’ on 24th January 2014. This training of trainer is designed as training workshop to work on camera trap data management using software ‘ReNamer’.  It will be participated by the Forestry Officers and Data Managers of parks and territory divisions.

Posted on 14/01/2014

New Report on Butterflies (Teinopalpus) of Tashiyangtse Valley, Eastern Bhutan

New Report on Butterflies (Teinopalpus) of Tashiyangtse Valley, Eastern Bhutan was published in collaboration of butterfly experts from Bhutan and butterfly society of Japan.

Posted on 24/12/2013

New Research Paper on Fuelwood Use and Availability in Bhutan: Implications for National Policy and Local Forest Management

A new scientific report on Fuelwood Use and Availability in Bhutan: Implications for National Policy and Local Forest Management was published in Human Ecology, by Mr. Sangay Wangchuk and colleagues. The report highlights the usage, availability and management of fuelwood energy in Bhutan.

Posted on 09/12/2013

Training for Focal Teachers and Principals on Bhutan Phenology Observation

As a part of capacity development for phenology study, UWICE would like to conduct five days training for schools selected for the phenology project. The workshop aims to train focal teachers and principals on phenology observation, recording and web based reporting system. In addition, focal teachers and principals will be familiarized on tools and guidelines available for phenology monitoring system.

Posted on 05/12/2013
