Training for Focal Teachers and Principals on Bhutan Phenology Observation

As a part of capacity development for phenology study, UWICE would like to conduct five days training for schools selected for the phenology project. The workshop aims to train focal teachers and principals on phenology observation, recording and web based reporting system. In addition, focal teachers and principals will be familiarized on tools and guidelines available for phenology monitoring system.

Posted on 05/12/2013

M3B training Venue Changed to Royal Manas National Park

This is to notify all the selected candidates for Measuring & Monitoring Mountain Biodiversity (M3B) training that the training venue has changed to Royal Manas National Park due to unavailability of lodging facility.

Posted on 25/10/2012

Selected Candidates for M3B Training at UWICE

The Institute hereby would like to announce the selected candidates for Measuring and Monitoring Mountain Biodiversity (M3B) Training. 

Posted on 15/10/2013

Two New Scientific Papers Published

A scientific report on Analysis of Forestry Policy, Acts and Rules of Bhutan to Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation by Thinley Wangdi and colleagues was published in the Partner Report Series No. 13 under the Regional Climate Change Adaptation knowledge Platform for Asia. The Report highlights the insights and outcomes of studies, assessments and other field activities that our national implementing partners have undertaken in their countries to mainstream adaptation into plans, policies and programs.

Posted on 01/09/2013

SFS - Bhutan Program Research Symposium

SFS (The School for Field Studies) -Bhutan Program Research Symposium was held in Thimphu at Hotel Migmar on 9th July 2013. The aim of the symposium was to present the findings of directed research carried out by SFS students during their 6-week program period in Bhutan.

Posted on 10/07/2013
