<p>His Excellency&nbsp;(Dr.) Sonam Kinga, the National Council chairperson visited the Institute on 2<sup>nd</sup> October, 2015. During a brief meeting with faculties, he showed an interest to re-visit the Institute with the Na...
Posted on 02/10/2015
<p>The first phase of training on &ldquo; Forest Acts and Rules&rdquo; funded by REDD+ Readiness&nbsp;Programme of Bhutan supported by Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, World Bank through&nbsp;Watershed Management Division of...
Posted on 01/10/2015
<p>The three months course to the members of community forest management groups on &ldquo;Community Forest Management&rdquo; has been completed successfully on 29<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;September, 2015.&nbsp;<span styl...
Posted on 30/09/2015
<p>The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) is providing a three-day&nbsp;technical training on long term climate and hydrological monitoring, meteorological data management and analysis. The participants will...
Posted on 14/09/2015
<p><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Bhutan Foundation:</strong></span> Bhutan&rsquo;s diversity of habitats, from subtropical jungles in the south to snow-clad mountains in the north, offer a unique environment fo...
Posted on 08/09/2015