A weeklong conservation workshop on small mammal research in Bhutan (20-26 August 2015) is underway at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, Lamai Goempa, Bumthang. More than 25 participants from various National Parks, Territorial Division and NGOs (RSPN) are attending the workshop.
Posted on 23/08/2015
<p>Five students from Kasetsart&nbsp;University in Thailand&nbsp;left on 14<sup>th</sup> of this month&nbsp;after a weeklong research attachment at UWICE. They arrived together with 7 faculty members on the 3<sup>r...
Posted on 14/08/2015
<p>At least five new butterfly subspecies are likely to be discovered in Bhutan if claims from Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) are confirmed.</p> <p>Subspecies are a division of species of plant...
Posted on 11/08/2015
<p>Three months after Bhutan added a new bird species, two new species &ndash; the Beautiful Sibia&nbsp;<em>(Heterophasia pulchella)&nbsp;</em>and Brown Accentor&nbsp;<em>(Prunella fulvescens)</em>&nb...
Posted on 05/08/2015
<p>Bhutan will soon have better knowledge and deeper understanding about our national animal, Bhutan Takin (<em>Budorcas taxicolor whitei</em>) especially on its migration pattern. The study is underway at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute...
Posted on 29/07/2015