Orientation Program for the 7th Batch of Trainees at UWICE

<p>The seventh batch trainees will be starting their one year certificate course in Conservation, Environment and Forestry Studies from the 1st August 2014 at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment. The new batch consist...

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Posted on 30/07/2014

Training Resoops and Ex-armies To Monitoring Remote Camera Traps

<p>In a first of its kind, the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE), provided training on "how to monitor remote camera traps" to Resoops (Local forester) and Ex-armies.  A total of 33 pa...

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Posted on 25/07/2014

UWICE Initiated Bird Web App-Bhutan

The UWICE is happy to bring this BIRD WEB APP of Bhutan to all the bird lovers around the world-especially to those who have plans to visit Bhutan for birding hereafter. It is a multi-media platform that will enable people to learn birds of Bhutan online.

Posted on 19/07/2014

The 14th ISE Congress Comes to a Close

<p>On 7th June 2014, the week-long 14th International Society for Ethnobiology (ISE) Congress successfully ended with a remarkable closing ceremony at Ugyen Wangchuck Stadium, Bumthang. Dasho Drangpon (Chief of Justice) of Bumthang Dzongkhag wa...

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Posted on 08/06/2014

Droning the Himalayas: Scaling Up the Conservation Efforts

<p>Rugged terrain and thick forest cover impose great challenges in assessing and monitoring wildlife, forest fires, poaching, illegal logging, and other activities necessary to inform critical conservation efforts in Bhutan. Across the globe,...

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Posted on 04/06/2014
