UWICE Faculty Talk at North Carolina State University and Yale University

UWICE faculty, Nawang Norbu and Tshering Tempa gave a seminar at the North Carolina State University on the 23rd of September and at Yale on the 25th of September.

Posted on 29/09/2014

R-stats training at Sherubtse College

<p>A 5-day training on 'R-Statistics' is being provided by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment for faculty at Sherubtse College. The training was requested for and is being organized by Sangay Thinley,...

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Posted on 18/09/2014

Training on GIS and GPS under way at UWICE

<p>Training on Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) is under way at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment. The forestry extension staffs from twenty dzongkhags are attending t...

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Posted on 12/09/2014

BES 2nd Annual Research Symposium & Environmental Fair

The Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) successfully hosted its Second Annual Research Symposium & Environmental Fair on 21-23 August in Thimphu, Bhutan. The 3-day education and outreach programme drew large crowds and great public interest, thanks to the support and active participation of Thimphu schools and 25 organizations including universities, government agencies, green businesses and CSOs.

Posted on 27/08/2014

A Summary of Six Months Phenology Observation Records: An Insight from 17 Schools

HEROES (http://www.bpn.gov.bt), a school based phenology monitoring system in Bhutan, was operationalised in February, 2014. Since then, students from 17 schools have been closely monitoring, recording and reporting plant's phenological event such as timing for budburst, young leaf, flower bud, open flower, ripe fruit and leaf fall. Within a time frame of six months, HEROES has collected over 30000 phenology records. Observations were reported for 30 species of trees, 10 species of shrubs and 10 species of herbs. On average, each school has reported observation of 120 days since February, 2014.

Posted on 14/08/2014
