Scientific Advisory Workshop for Bhutan Phenology Study Begun at UWICE

<p>A three day Scientific Advisory Workshop for the school and community based phenology monitoring program in Bhutan began at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE). The experts from different sectors including Depa...

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Posted on 13/11/2013

UWICE Visited By a Group of Nature Conservation Enthusiasts from Australia

<p>A group of Australian led by Mr. Dave Darlington and his wife Pat Darlington visited the Institute yesterday. Mr. Dave who served numerous years in developing and managing protected area in Australia has been recently retired from the post o...

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Posted on 08/11/2013

A Team led by The President of Bhutan Foundation visited UWICE

<p><strong>4<sup>th</sup> November 2013,</strong> Dr. Bruce W. Bunting, the President of the Bhutan Foundation and a team visited Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment. The team was...

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Posted on 05/11/2013

His Eminence Khamtrul Rimpoche at UWICE

<p><strong>3rd November 2013,</strong> His Eminence the Ninth Gyalwang Dokhampa Jigme Pema Nyinjadh is leading a team of walking pilgrimage, which started on the 1<sup>st</sup> November from Tharpaling...

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Posted on 04/11/2013

Forest Protection Module Completed

<p><strong>29<sup>th</sup> October 2013.</strong> At the end of the Forest Protection module for the certificate course in Conservation, Environment and Forestry Studies at UWICE, Mr. Damber Singh Rai,...

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Posted on 30/10/2013
