<p>The three-day annual workshop on Bhutan Phenology Observation is under-way at Gelephu (3<sup>rd</sup> -5<sup>th</sup> February 2016). The focal teachers from seventeen schools and representative from the Department of...
Posted on 04/02/2016
<p>The 3<sup>rd</sup> round of nationwide Water-Bird census was conducted on 22<sup>nd</sup> January 2016. It was carried out by numerous volunteers, amateurs and interested birders across the country. The census was con...
Posted on 26/01/2016
The Department of Forest and Park Services have been awarded a grant on a project titled “Securing the future of tigers in Bhutan-Manas complex” by the Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Program (ITHCP) Asia funded by the IUCN. The project will be implemented in Royal Manas National Park by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment in a strong collaboration with Royal Manas National Park management and the communities living within the park. They will be supported by the Forest Protection and Enforcement Division (FPED) and also by Wild life conservation division under the same department.
Posted on 14/01/2016
<p>The first National Research Coordination meeting for the Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agricultre and Forests&nbsp;is undergoing&nbsp;at Gelephu (13<sup>th</sup>-15<sup>th </sup>January...
Posted on 13/01/2016
<p>Bumthang received its first snowfall of this winter on the night of 8th January, 2016. The snowfall lasted for around 5 hours and Lamai Goempa (2900 masl) recorded 7cm depth. Snowfall has also been reported in&nbsp;most of the highland v...
Posted on 09/01/2016