<p>The training on &ldquo;Forest Acts &amp; Rules of Bhutan&rdquo; is undergoing in Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment for the front line forestry staff of Department of Forest &amp; Park Services for two...
Posted on 28/12/2015
<p>A two days library symposium was successfully ended on 25/12/2015. Total of 15 librarians and library assistants from various Colleges of Royal University of Bhutan, Public library, School and NGO&rsquo;s libraries attended the Symposium...
Posted on 26/12/2015
<p><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Kuensel:</strong></span> Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE) ornithologist, Sherub said while the news of Bhutan holding the majority of White-bellied...
Posted on 19/12/2015
<p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000">TheBhutanese:</span></strong> Bhutan is considered as one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world, a tag befitting of Bhutan&rsquo;s large forest coverage, which are both...
Posted on 16/12/2015
<p>SFS (The School for Field Studies) - Bhutan Program Research Symposium was held yesterday in Thimphu at the Royal Thimphu College to present the findings of directed field research carried out by SFS students during their 3 months semester p...
Posted on 15/12/2015